Household and Toiletries Manufacturing CO. (HTM) is a member of Munir Sukhtian Group of companies and one of the pioneers in the household and toiletries industry in Jordan.  HTM was established in 1972 for the production of Medical devices and cosmetics in addition to body care and oral care products in the form of liquid, semisolids, and powder. By the days the range of products has been expanded to serve the local and international demands.

 In 1991, a second plant in the northern area of Irbid for manufacturing aerosol products had been established an expansion of our manufacturing presence.

In order to continuously satisfy our customer needs, HTM has established a Research and Development department, which is considered as one of the leading R&D departments in the Jordanian chemical; medical device and cosmetics industries. Thorugh utilizing the “State of the Art” equipment and the latest scientific research, the R&D staff is dedicated to developing high-quality products in-line with international market standards and licensing requirements.

HTM conducts its operations in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified.